Sorted it out. The problem was that the original mimemessage was "attached" to  
the new mimemessage, this behaviour in some circumstances (here I am a little 
on thin ice, cause it did not always happen) led to a self-referencing 
MimeMessage, and storing those leads to the observed behaviour.

I any case James was blameless (JavaMail might not be though ;-))


Now back to testing attributes on mail.

On Monday 23 June 2003 08:04, Søren Hilmer wrote:
> On Saturday 21 June 2003 18:47, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > Søren,
> >
> > > A mail (a small one a few kbytes and text only) is sent and it is
> > > then repeatedly written into the same file in spool, making this
> > > file explode to several gigabytes in no time.
> >
> > You are saying that it is not many copies being spooled, but a single
> > spool entry having the same data concatenated over and over and over
> > again in a single message?  What is causing the loop?
> That is exacly what I am saying. I do not yet know what is causing the
> loop, I have to build a James version with some more debug information and
> ship it to the customer, who needs to install it ....
> > > some of [our custom mailets ] are using:
> > >   MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(...);
> > >   ...
> > >   mail.setMessage (msg);
> >
> > AbstractRedirect does the same thing, except on a new, duplicated,
> > instance.
> Yes, an the original is ghosted and AbstractRedirect is not in James 2.1.3
> > Looking over the code for the file-based message store, the code path for
> > actually storing a message is shared regardless of whether it is a new or
> > old message.
> >
> > Have you made sure that your mailets aren't accidentally concatenating
> > the content?  In the AddFooter mailet, you'll find a section of commented
> > out code that you can use to dump the raw message contents to the log for
> > testing.
> I am pretty sure about that, cause my mailets logs on entry and exit, and
> both these apear in the log (and not multiple times), then comes a
> ToProcessor call which never makes it to the destination (last entry in the
> log is a: Servicing Mailxxxxx by ToProcessor Mailet), which would make
> sense as the storing is happening in LinearProcessor when changing
> processor.
> I am about to put some extra logs in LinearProcessor, and
> AvalonSpoolRepository/AvalalinMailRepository. I hope this will shed some
> light over things.
> >     --- Noel
> >
> >
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Søren Hilmer, M.Sc.
R&D manager             Phone:  +45 70 27 64 00
TietoEnator IT+ A/S     Fax:    +45 70 27 64 40
Ved Lunden 12           Direct: +45 87 46 64 57
DK-8230 Åbyhøj          Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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