
Thought the new Redirect seems to have fixed the problem with HTML messages,
I'm now running into a problem with the actual outbound message not leaving
my server.

It's probably how I have my processors configured, however, it did work OK
with older versions of James/Redirect mailet.

Here's the scenario:

A message comes into my server.

Various matchers are used to determine if it's a known SPAM, and it's sent
to the SPAM processor.

In the SPAM processor, after feeding my Bayesian Analysis stuff, and saving
a copy of the message to my DB, I redirect the message (inline) to SpamCop,
and other places, somewhat like this:

          <mailet match="All"
            <recipients> [EMAIL PROTECTED] </recipients>
            <inline> all </inline>
            <replyto> postmaster </replyto>
            <static> true </static>
            <passThrough> true </passThrough>

However, this redirected message now reenters the mail server, and goes
through all the processors again, matches as SPAM again, renters the SPAM
processor, and the cycle continues.

I get a number of errors about duplicate keys being stored in my DB, and I
get lots of copies of the message building up in my db in the SPAM

Is there a simple solution to this?

If I add a new special header to the message, before it's redirected, then
check for that header in the root and allow it to go straight out, aren't I
risking someone spoofing that header?

I doubt this would be considered a bug in Redirect, but whatever it was
doing before the rewrite was different than it appears to be working now.

Suggestions would be appreciated.



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