I'm constructing my first Jasper Report, and all is going quite well
except I don't quite understand something.

I have used iReports and successfully "parsed" and "compiled" our design.
I have created a "JRDataSource" object that is ready to supply the data.
I've got a "map" full of parameters ready to go.
Now I want to use something like
JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,
parameters, dataSource);

The point I don't understand is how do I get the "jasperReport"????

After compilation withiReports I have various files such as
"BasicRFQ.jasper" and various versions of 
"BasicRFQ_11453453453_234234.java".  Do I put one of these in a
folder, and pick it up as a File and pass it as the jasperReport??? 
If possible, I want to place the "jasperReport" in a specific run time
directory with other "data" files, and NOT inside the application's

It does not quite sound right.  I'm sure I'm missing something simple.
I've been scratching around all the samples but I have not discovered
I would appreciate any guidance.


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