
On 3/20/2009, "Abu Zaher" <zahe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm an undergrad student and intend to participate in GSoC '09. I'm
> interested in porting Jato in Darwin/OSX as my GSoC project. Please tell me
> the feasibility/implications regarding this idea.

I assume you mean 32-bit Mactels; porting to other configurations will be
a major undertaking.

As a prerequisite for porting Jato to a new operating system, you need to
make sure GNU Classpath can be installed on the system and that the
system has access to a Java compiler such as ECJ.

Porting Jato to Darwin should be fairly straight-forward because the core
VM it is built on ("Jam VM") already works on the platform. I do not
expect this to take the whole time allocated for GSoC so if you are
serious about doing a proposal on this, you probably want to bundle some
other work in the plan as well.


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