The latest release is 1.8.0.

I took a quick look around ... see the commit below for the full details.

Best I can tell, it seems like what you are looking for is
org.apache.axiom.util.stax.XMLStreamWriterUtils.writeDataHandler() .

commit 4459e012b78572ffa04bd1000461d479bcc553fa
Author: Andreas Veithen <>
Date:   Mon Jul 20 17:50:58 2009 +0000

    ADB: Removed the MTOMAwareXMLStreamWriter interface and changed the
code (generation) to use the proper extension interface in Axiom.

On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 11:45 PM sahil garg -X (sahigarg - Altran ACT S.A.S
at Cisco) <> wrote:

> Hi Axis Team,
> For one of our product we are have generated java source code using the 
> axis-1 lib. Later on we have moved to axis-2 1.3 version.
> Which was working properly with Generated java file and the generated java 
> files where compiling as expected. However when we upgraded to axis-2 1.7.9 
> version
> We got the below error.
> Error:
>     [javac] 
> [PATH]/NotificationService/src-gen/com/microsoft/schemas/exchange/services/_2006/messages/
>  error: package org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.writer does not exist
>     [javac]         
> org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.writer.MTOMAwareXMLStreamWriter xmlWriter)
> Root Cause:
> we are getting the above compatibility issue since axis-2 1.7.9 does not have 
> the required classes
> We request your help if you can guide us in how we can reverse the wsdl2java 
> process, so that the get wsdl again from the generated java file using the 
> older axis2 lib.
> Or any other alternate solution to the above dependency which we can directly 
> make changes to the generated java file and make it compatible with axis-2 
> 1.7.9 without loosing current functionality.
> Regards,
> Sahil Garg
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows

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