If the rest of the world of Lucene ports followed suit with PyLucene and did the GCJ/SWIG thing, we'd have no problems :) What are the disadvantages to following this model with Plucene?

Some parts of the Lucene API require subclassing (e. g., Analyzer) and SWIG does support cross-language polymorphism only for a few languages, notably Python and Java but not for Perl. Noticing the smiley I won't mention the zillion other reasons not to use the "GCJ/SWIG thing".

Yes, that's true, Java Lucene requires a bunch of subclassing to truly shine in any sizable application. I didn't use SWIG's director feature to implement extension but a more or less hardcarved SWIG-in-reverse trick that can easily be reproduced by other such SWIG-based ports.
See http://svn.osafoundation.org/pylucene/trunk/README for more details...


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