Hi all,
I'm working on the analyzer for the slovanic latin languages (cs,sk) w/o stemming at first.
I would like to ask you:
The StopWord analyzer uses often HashSet implementation, but the the Stopwords are not changed often (if ever) from shipped in the java code. Do you think that is there benefit for the perfect hash algorithm?

My guess is that you wouldn't save much time here using a perfect hash.

I will do an ICU analyzer for latin chars (decompositing and return base char). Have you any exp. with icu(.sf.net) some problems, bottlenecks?

This could be a significant performance hit. Using ICU is a good idea, but typically putting some simple front-end filtering in front can save you a lot of time.

E.g. if there are a lot of characters that don't require any decomposition, you could do some quick (and very conservative) checks to skip calls to ICU.

But of course, measure then optimize :)

P. S.: also I would like these stuff contribute to lucene-contrib if it'll be recognized useful. Is there any howto set the Eclipse for Lucene/Apache related project?

If you're asking about how to set up Eclipse to do development for Lucene, I found some posts to the mailing list a while back, but nothing definitive.

FWIW, my experience w/Eclipse 3.1 was that trying to auto-create Eclipse projects using the Ant build file didn't work very well. So we wound up manually creating the project, setting up the classpath, etc.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
Krugle, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200

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