Doug Cutting wrote:
The Lucene PMC has voted to add Michael Busch as a Lucene committer.

Welcome, Michael!

Thanks everyone for the nice words!

Of course I want to keep the tradition alive, so here follows my introduction :-)

I am from Germany (more exactly from the Sauerland :-) ). I graduated at the University of Paderborn in 2005 and went to IBM Germany to do an internship. There I first came in touch with search technology by writing test tools for search products.

Then in May 2005 I moved to California and joined the IBM Omnifind team there. In spring 2006, when we began building the Yahoo edition, I started looking into Lucene and since Summer I'm contributing to it.

I am really happy and proud to be part of this great team. The last year was much fun to work with the Lucene community and now I'm looking forward to working as a committer!


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