Hi Otis,
Many thanks for your comments, I'm so sorry for this late answer. I will add
lius as lucene contrib and I will change the licence to ASL.
There are some developper contributing to Lius but there are not very
For the question : this is a Laval University project, right?  But you work
at DocuLibre?
I have develpped lius during my study at laval university, I still the copy
right owner for this projet, so I can change the licence to ASL without any
problem. Lius has been used in serveral projet at Laval university and I
deceded to hoste it in Laval.
I work at Laval and at Doculibre.

Tika is a really good projet and I'm really interested to join it.


On 1/31/07, Otis Gospodnetic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Rida,

Some comments in no particular order:

- Looks useful

- This looks like a more expanded version of what Erik and I wrote for
LIA, and I know people often ask and use that code, so I know there is a
need for a framework that knows how to parse various document formats

- Nutch has some of the document parsing code written in form of
plugins.  A few people wanted to decouple that from Nutch in a Tika project:
http://code.google.com/p/tika/ .  Not sure what the status is, I think
only Jukka Zitting did any work there, but I think the initial idea was
never fully funished.  If LIUS joins Lucene, I think some of this
duplication should be cleaned up, so we have only one framework for parsing
various types of document formats.

- Going through the Incubator is one way to go.  Perhaps another way to
get LIUS under Lucene is to just place it under contrib/, say contrib/lius.

- Licensing would have to change to ASL and you would probably also have
to send in your ASF CLA.

- Any dependencies on GPL or LGPL or code released under other licenses
would have to either be removed, or you'd have to fetch the required Jars at
compile/build time.  A few projects under Lucene contrib/ already do that, I

- Are there developers who are actively working on LIUS?  Fixing bugs,
adding features, keeping up with new versions of dependencies, etc.

Out of curiosity - this is a Laval University project, right?  But you
work at DocuLibre?

----- Original Message ----
From: Rida Benjelloun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: java-user@lucene.apache.org; java-dev@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 7:27:28 PM
Subject: Lius into apache incubator

I would like to add Lius framework (http://sourceforge.net/projects/lius/)
to apache incubator. Is there some volontiers to do this job and to
contribute to the developement of this project.


Rida Benjelloun.

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