Grant Ingersoll wrote:
Cool. I will try and take a look at it tomorrow. Since we have the lazy SegTermPos thing in now, we should be able to integrate this into scoring via the Similarity and merge TermDocs and TermPositions like you suggested.

If I can get the Scoring piece in and people are fine w/ the flushBuffer change then hopefully we can get this in this week. I will try to post a patch that includes your patch and the scoring integration by tomorrow or Tuesday if that is fine with you.

I'm not completely sure how you want to integrate this in the Similarity class. Payloads can not only be used for scoring. Consider for example XML search: the payloads can be used here to store in which element a term occurs. During search (e. g. an XPath query) the payloads would be used then to find hits, not for scoring.

On the other hand if you want to store e. g. per-postions boosts in the payloads, you could use the norm en/decoding methods that are already in Similarity. You could use the following code in a TokenStream:
 byte[] payload = new byte[1];
 payload[0] = Similari.encodeNorm(boost);

and in a scorer you could get the boost then with:
 float boost = Similarity.decodeNorm(payloadBuffer[0]);

But maybe you have something different in mind? Could you elaborate, please?

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