Marvin Humphrey wrote:

It uses global field semantics, which Hoss won't be happy about. ;) However, I'm grateful to Hoss for past critiques, as they've helped me to refine and improve how Schema works. For instance, as of KS 0.20_02 you can introduce new field_name => FieldSpec associations to KS at any time during indexing. It may be that adapting Lucene to use something like what KS uses would be too radical a change. However, I believe that one reason that flexible indexing has been in incubation so long is that the current mechanism for attaching semantics to field names does not scale as well as it might.

For instance, the logical extension of the current FieldInfos system is to add booleans as described at <>. However, conflict resolution during segment merging is going to present challenges. What happens when in one segment 'content' has freq and in another segment it doesn't? Things are so much easier if the posting format, once set, never changes.

I was thinking in the same direction. Global field semantics make our life with FI much easier in a single index. But even with global field semantics we would have the same problem with the IndexWriter.addIndexes() method, no? I'm curious about how you solved that conflict in KinoSearch? Btw, I like it that you don't force the user to define all fields up front but rather allow to add fields at any time. I think if we implement global field semantics in Lucene we should go the same way.

I'm going to respond in more detail to your other points in this email tomorrow. I want to read the KinoSearch specs first but it's already kind of late....

- Michael

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