Grant Ingersoll wrote:
> Michael,
> If we wanted to publish M2 snapshots, we could configure Hudson to call
> generate-maven-artifacts and have them deployed to the M2 snapshots
> repository, right?
> This would mean we would have to change the deploy call a bit in
> common-build.xml so that it could take in the remote repo instead of
> going to the dist.dir, I think.
> -Grant

Hi Grant,

you are right, we should define a property called e. g.
"m2.repository.url" that defaults to "file://${maven.dist.dir}" and use
it in m2-deploy.

If we want to deploy to a remote repository, however, we also have to
register a provider to make the transfer protocol available. For
example, if the remote repository uses scp, we would need to register
the provider with artifact id: "wagon-ssh" like:

<artifact:install-provider artifactId="wagon-ssh" version="1.0-beta-2"/>

You can find more information here:

I'll reopen LUCENE-935 that we can use to make the additional changes.

- Michael

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