Hi Z.S.,

I'll update LUCENE-1313 after LUCENE-1516 is committed.  I can post the
basic new patch I have for LUCENE-1313 (heavily simplified compared to the
previous patches), however it will assume LUCENE-1516.  The other area that
will need to be addressed is standard benchmarking for different realtime
search approaches as we don't know what will be best yet.

What areas in regard to realtime search are you working on?


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Zaid Md. Abdul Wahab Sheikh <
sheikh.z...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi lucene,
> In this link http://wiki.apache.org/general/SummerOfCode2009 , there are
> no project ideas for Lucene proper. (Only ideas for Mahout listed). Please
> put up some ideas for Lucene there or please mention some popular open
> issues that might be suitable as a GSoC project.
> I would very much like to work on Lucene during Summer of Code 09. I am
> currently researching/doing a project on "Realtime search".
> It seems, a contrib exists for realtime search in Lucene.
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1313. Can anyone give me an
> update on its status? Is that sufficient/complete, or should I start
> investigating possibilities of integrating 'realtime' search in Lucene.
> Please comment.
> Z.S.

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