Marvin Humphrey wrote:
I feel the opposite: I'd like new users to see improvements by
default, and users that require strict back-compate to ask for that.

By "strict back-compat", do you mean "people who would like their search app to
not fail silently"? ;)  A "new user" who follows your advice...

// haha stupid noob StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Versons.LATEST);

... is going to get screwed when the default tokenization behavior changes.
And it would be much worse if we follow my preference for making the arg
optional without following my preference for keeping defaults intact:

// haha eat it luser StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();

It's either make the arg mandatory when changing default behavior and
recommend that new users pass a fixed argument, or make it optional but keep
defaults intact between major releases.
I think I see your point: A new user is such only for the first release that they use Lucene. For a first use, there is no backward compatibility problem. On the use of a subsequent release, their code still gets the latest and greatest and now by the choice they were guided to make, they may have broken backward compatibility.

So for any user, the only save, thus acceptable use is to never have Versions.LATEST, but only a specific version.

-- DM

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