One trick to doing this is to index a field that lists the facet field names that each document possesses. Then you can facet on the field of field names (sounds confusing, sorry) and you'll know if there are any documents in a result set that have values in, say, a "category" field.

There's actually a basic patch out there that'll do this automatically: - it needs a bit of polish, but that's the general idea.


On Mar 30, 2010, at 7:46 AM, Gregor Kaczor wrote:

Facetting in indexes with document volumes exceeding twenty million documents is a time and particularly memory consuming search.

In such huge indexes i am not interested if there is 4 or 5 million documents of a special type, i just want to know there are some and if i choose that facet will i get a list of results.

Such an option would just count the first occurance of a facet term and return it without doing much of computation.

I cound not figure out how to get that behaviour with existing facetting parameters.

What do you think?

Gregor Kaczor

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