Artashes is right,

As you may know if you hav an interface type variable, you can assign
any object of a class which
is implementing this interface to this variable.

If you'd like to learn about it more, you can check this section
of Sang's java programming course:

Kind regards,


On 10 Mar, 23:51, daydream <> wrote:
> hi everybody ,
> i was looking into Docs of the httpservletrequest and response and
> they are defind as interfaces ...
> so my question is interfaces are to implemented in classes and those
> classes can be used to create objects
> but in the service methods i pass an httpservletrequest and response
> as an object ...!!!???   without creating a class or something ..i
> know i'm missing something  but i'd appreciate ur intake on this
> subject
> peace to u all

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