Hi Mr. Shin!

I'm dizzy with the dates of the course. First it was stipulated to finish this 
spring/09 session in june 13th ("...- the deadline for the homework submission 
is 2 weeks of the last class, which means June 13th, 2009 as it currently 
stands -..."), but now in the site it says that it concludes in july 27th 
("Spring MVC (2 hour lecture + 2 hour lab) - (July 27th, 2009: Week #17) 
(homework #25) - end of the course"). Beside there is no activities planned for 
may or nay they 've been changed all for june.

Would you clarify this please.

Greetings from ARGENTINA!!!

Federico Miralles

P.S.: what's the meaning of the homeworks that are in blue, e.g.: "Refactoring 
HelloWorld application using Spring framework (1 hour lecture + 2 hour lab) - 
(July 6th, 2009: Week #15)  (homework #22)"
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