Does anyone know what [ResourceBundle] is, such as a data type, object, class, 
or other, and how  to identify it?  Aside from a brief explanation, I'd like to 
know the correct way to identify this thing, that is, it's correct label.  

This is from slide 59 of Servlet Basics PDF.

HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
ResourceBundle messages = (ResourceBundle)session.getAttribute("messages");


 stephen wille  |

From: Mihai DINCA <>
Sent: Monday, September 7, 2009 11:33:02 AM
Subject: [java ee programming] Re: HELP XML FILE FOR EXCERSISE1

 Hi, Srilaxmi.

Just a sugestion: Open in NetBeans the file you want to execute
(servlet or JSP file). Then execute it using Shift + F6. This action
normally opens the (default) browser and displays in it the very file
you selected. The URL displayed in the browser is the one you can type
manually to open the file.

If your server is configured to turn to another TCP/IP port than 8080
or if there is some problem in the xml file, then you will see the
server configuration in the URL displayed by your browser.

Hope it Helps

Srilaxmi Seetharamachar a écrit : 
>>    Below is the web.xml screen shot of my excersise1.I have modified
>web.xml file as in the lab work to  MyOwnJsp.jsp The screen shot is
>> When I run the project the browser will open as  servelet file.It will
>not open MyOwnJsp.jsp file  as per the lab work.
>>Please help...
>>Thank you..
>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>><web-app version="2.5" xmlns=""; 
>>    <servlet>
>>        <servlet-name>MyOwnServelet</servlet-name>
>>    </servlet>
>>    <servlet-mapping>
>>        <servlet-name>MyOwnServelet</servlet-name>
>>        <url-pattern>/MyOwnServelet</url-pattern>
>>    </servlet-mapping>
>>    <session-config>
>>        <session-timeout>
>>            30
>>        </session-timeout>
>>    </session-config>
>>    <welcome-file-list>
>>        <welcome-file>MyOwnJsp.jsp</welcome-file>
>>        </welcome-file-list>
>>    </web-app>

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