Oi pessoal, o site www.javalobby.org está oferecendo um ebook de notas sobre
j2ee, gratuitamente. É só se tornar membro (gratuito) e fazer o download.

Abraços à todos.

----- Original Message -----
From: JavaLobby News
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 10:24 PM
Subject: Great new book, FREE at Javalobby

            Aristides Santos - Forgot your password? Click here to have it
emailed to you

            Tuesday, 30 Apr 2002 Please visit our sponsor ORACLE
              Download your FREE Developer Edition of Oracle9i Application
Server Release 2
              Looking for High Performance J2EE? Developers know the
importance of high performance when building Web applications. Check out how
Oracle's experts optimize J2EE applications using Oracle9i Application
Server and Edge Side Includes (ESI). Click for an ESI Best Practices guide.

                  FREE BOOK

                  CodeNotes for J2EE: EJB, JDBC, JSP & Servlets

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                 Rick Ross is the founder and president of Javalobby. He is
a frequent speaker at Java-related events and a well-known advocate for Java
developer interests.
                  Pinch of this, Pinch of that, Stir...

                  "CodeNotes For J2EE" Now Free For JL Members
                  I'm excited today because we've managed to arrange a bonus
benefit for Javalobby members that I hope will be truly useful and widely
used. As of this morning, all Javalobby members can download a free,
complete PDF version of the outstanding book "CodeNotes® for J2EE: EJB,
JDBC, JSP and Servlets." CodeNotes is a new Random House book series that is
the brainchild of Gregory Brill of InFusion Development. As I understand it,
Greg was frustrated that every time he wanted to learn a new technology he
had to sift through a 10-pound, 1000-page tome to get the scoop - a colossal
waste of paper and time. The series of little yellow books he came up with
is just about the closest thing you'll find to "Cliff's Notes" for popular
technologies - short, sweet and to the point. The CodeNotes series uses
tight linkage between the books and their corresponding websites to stay
current, offer expanded coverage for those who desire it, and keep the book
itself distilled down to the pure essence that someone needs to get briefed
on the core facts quickly. Download your FREE copy of "CodeNotes for J2EE"
from Javalobby today! I hope it will be helpful to those of you who are
working to improve your grasp of enterprise Java.

                  Management changes at Sun
                  Sun is shifting around some of its top-level executives,
and their current "Chief Strategy Officer" will soon be heading up the
business unit that runs Java. Jonathan Schwartz has been named Executive
Vice President and will lead a reorganized unit that comprises all of Sun's
software operations. Jonathan joined Sun in 1996 when it acquired his former
company, Lighthouse Designs, and he has risen swiftly within Sun since. He's
well-respected both inside and outside of Sun for his intelligence and
entrepreneurial insight, and I understand he was also an excellent developer
in his own right. It will be interesting to see how Sun's handling of Java
changes with a developer at the helm. He takes over on July 1 from Pat
Sueltz, who will then be taking charge of Sun's Enterprise Services

                  Javalobby member-volunteers rule!
                  Words simply cannot describe the overwhelming feelings of
affection I have for the amazing members of Javalobby when something happens
like the response to last week's call for volunteers. The support poured in
from all over the globe (every continent except Antarctica), and over 200
member-volunteers are now getting organized to take our community's Java
developer advocacy effort to new levels. It is deeply inspiring and more
than a bit daunting - all I can say is "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
With the help of this team and others that continue to join us we will be
able to achieve some great things. Javalobby began years ago with the
rallying cry, "Unite for Java!" and today more than ever we need to strive
for meaningful unity within the Java developer community. It's not too late
to volunteer, we'll be delighted to have you on the team.

                  Tell you what I want, what I really, really want.
                  My daughter, Lucy, turned six this weekend. Lucy wants to
be a scientist when she grows up. In fact, she's a scientist already! I was
thinking about what I'd really have liked to get her for her birthday, but I
realized that nobody sells it. Why isn't Java on one of those sub-$100
graphing calculators yet? Wouldn't it be super cool to have real Java as the
programming language on a mass-produced calculator from Casio, HP or Texas
Instruments? It makes perfect sense if you think about the high appeal that
Java has as a language for teaching programming to beginners. If the
calculator also supported 2-way communications via infra-red and functioned
as a universal remote control, then I think kids everywhere would be
clamoring to have one of these puppies instead of the latest GameBoy. There'
s just no reason we shouldn't be teaching Java to kids really early, and a
slick, portable, affordable device like a Java graphing calculator would be
just the ticket. Maybe next year, Lucy - let's keep our fingers crossed.

                  A side note regarding Java performance
                  When we rolled out the new Jive-powered discussion forums
last month the development team was pretty pleased with the speed and snappy
responsiveness of the site. Typical page load times were significantly
reduced, and things generally felt better. We were glad to have made the
switch. One day last week we had pretty heavy traffic and things didn't feel
as snappy as they had been, so we did some investigation into the problem.
Well, caching technology really works wonders, but it works so much better
if you actually turn it on! We had been running Jive without caching the
whole time, and now that the caching is turned on the server is a veritable
speed-demon. Pages are serving up almost instantly, and we could easily
handle 10 times the load (so please invite your friends to visit Javalobby
and help with some ad hoc load testing!) Now if I could just figure out
which one is the "Any" key I'd be able to continue.

                  Until Next Time,

                  Rick Ross
                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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                 A recap of some of the most popular and active
Javalobby.org discussions this week.
                  Return of the Living Dead: Netscape's possible resurgence
and .NET
                   Recent rumors that have surfaced that AOL is getting
ready to replace IE with Netscape (powered by the open source Gecko
rendering engine) may be jeopardizing some nascent plans of the software

                  FULL STORY & DISCUSSION  Posted By: a san juan - (35
                  Gates Testifies in Antitrust Trial
                   What interests me is not that Bill Gates is testifying.
What interests me is the following comment (excerpt from the Wired article):

                  "Under the states' proposal, Windows would no longer be
uniform," said Gates, decked out in a conservative blue suit and burgundy
tie. He said computer makers "would have the ability to make essentially
arbitrary changes to Windows."

                  Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't "arbitrary changes" to
Java exactly what everyone was complaining about Microsplodge doing a few
years ago? And now they're moaning because the states proposal will allow
others to do it to Windows? Tough luck, I think.

                  FULL STORY & DISCUSSION  Posted By: Jason Briggs - (25
                  The "Real" Reason Swing Is Slow
                   Over the past 15 months I have been developing a large
Java desktop application. I have identified the source of swing's
performance problems and it is...

                  FULL STORY & DISCUSSION  Posted By: Peter Hawkins - (25
                  developerWorks: Create Native, Cross-platform GUI
                   This IBM developerWorks article describes WORA of a
special kind. Instead of running bytecode on a Java Virtual Machine, it
describes how to compile Java code with GCJ for Linux and soon Windows.

                  FULL STORY & DISCUSSION  Posted By: ufans - (23 Replies)
                  Is it time for a new enterprise solution?
                   This is becoming nasty.... I started working with J2EE
when I was working with migrating from Weblogic 4.5 to 5.1. OK - or so I
thought... now my company is considering Weblogic 6.0 and 6.1. To tell you
the truth, EJBs themselves are not a problem - though I consider Sun's XML
rather archaic (using text between tags rather than attributes). The problem
is the 'new age' application servers - (in my humble case Webnologic and

                  FULL STORY & DISCUSSION  Posted By: Chris Clark - (12

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                 Items of interest seen around the web this week.

                  . Becoming a Sun Certified Programmer for Java
                  Overview on becomming a Certified Java Programmer
                      (Read Story from Builder.com)

                  . Sun Creates Two New Business Organizations
                  Will Java finally get the marketing it needs?
                      (Read Story from Yahoo!)

                  . Interview: IBM's software chief speaks out
                  Steve Mills shares his thoughts on IBM's stance on Java
and other issues
                      (Read Story from InfoWorld)
                  . IBM Corp - Shatters Benchmark Record
                  Websphere + Linux == Speed Demon
                      (Read Story from Sun)
                  . MetaSolv Teams With OSS Through Java Initiative
                  MetaSolv works with OSS leaders to standardize Java APIs
                      (Read Story from Sun)
                  . Java in Soft Computing
                  Sione Palu takes a look at Java in areas like Fuzzy Logic
                      (Read Story from Earthweb)

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                 Product and service announcements for Java developers.
                  Struts Console 1.9.1 Released
                  The Struts Console is a standalone Java Swing application
for managing Struts-based applications. With the Struts Console you can
visually edit Struts configuration files and you can convert Pages (.htm(l),
*.jsp) to use the Struts HTML tag library for fo...

                  FULL STORY & DISCUSSION  Posted By: James Holmes - (0
                  Ejen-1.0.0 (Java/XSLT based code generation system) is
                  Ejen 1.0.0 is released. This is the final 1.0 released
(after the 1.0-pre3). See http://ejen.sourceforge.net for details.

                  1. Introduction

                  The Ejen program is a text generation system ("text"
means, including, but not limited to, sourc...

                  FULL STORY & DISCUSSION  Posted By: François Wolff - (0
                  Dwarf server framework 1.0 release
                  Gnome is pleased to announce the release of a new
product - Dwarf.

                  Dwarf is a modular Java framework for developing network
server applications based on the Internet standards.

                  The main difference between Dwarf and other similar tools
is th...

                  FULL STORY & DISCUSSION  Posted By: Erika Kupkova - (0
                  ServletManager at IBM alphaworks
                  IBM released ServletManager its servlet controller package
(MVC tradition) that allows Web programmers to declare the entire
application flow, application state rules. exception handling, authorization
rules, model codes, and view code in an XML-based table. This frameworks is
very similar to Struts with some additions.

                  FULL STORY & DISCUSSION  Posted By: Jeff Condon - (0
                  Simplicity: Java Enterprise Wireless App Development
                  Simplicity for Mobile Servers consists of special versions
of Simplicity Enterprise and Simplicity for Mobile Devices. This visual,
component-based, rapid applications development environment comes with a
built-in development server. It is of great value ...

                  FULL STORY & DISCUSSION  Posted By: Anthony Onwuz - (0

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Danilo Luiz Rheinheimer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: [java-list] Livro de EJB...

> At 11:12 29/4/2002 -0300, you wrote:
> >Alguem conhece um livro de EJB que seja bom e em portugues???
> >Ou algum texto, apostila, apresentacao de EJB em portugues???
> >
> Alem do livro no www.theserverside.com que foi citado em outra mensagem e
> realmente excelente veja este link :
> http://www.dmu.com/linux/jvlx0.html
>    E em portugues mas bem basico.
> ----
> Danilo Luiz Rheinheimer
> Florianopolis/SC Brasil
> Sony Clié 615C
> ----
> ------------------------------ LISTA SOUJAVA ----------------------------
> http://www.soujava.org.br  -  Sociedade de Usuários Java da Sucesu-SP
> dúvidas mais comuns: http://www.soujava.org.br/faq.htm
> regras da lista: http://www.soujava.org.br/regras.htm
> historico: http://www.mail-archive.com/java-list%40soujava.org.br
> para sair da lista: envie email para [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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