
I'm migrating from Axis 1.4 to Axis2 1.7.7.  I have observed that for the following WSDL:

            <schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
                <complexType name="HostType">
                        <element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"
                            name="SSLEnabled" type="boolean" />

Axis 1.4's wsdl2java ANT task (output, testcase="false", serverside, url, mapping options) generated:

         * Gets the SSLEnabled value for this HostType.
         * @return SSLEnabled
        public boolean isSSLEnabled() {
            return SSLEnabled;

whereas Axis2 1.7.7's ANT task (output, testcase="false", syncOnly="false", serverSide, wsdlfilename, generateServiceXml options) now generates:

         * Auto generated getter method
         * @return boolean
        public boolean getSSLEnabled() {
            return localSSLEnabled;

Notice how the old isXXX() has become getXXX().

I couldn't find this addressed on this list or elsewhere.

Is this change expected behaviour, and is it controllable in any way?


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