OK, when you look in the "fav_stores" field in Luke, what do you see?

And, are you searching on "Banana Republic" with the capitals? If so, and
your index has the letters in lower case, that's your problem.


On 10/9/06, Ismail Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am using StandardAnalyzer while indexing the field..
I  am also a creatign a field called full_text in which i am adding all
these individual  fields as TOKENIZED.

here is the code

          PersonProfileAnswer pa=(PersonProfileAnswer)choiceIt.next();
                        doc.add(new Field(FULL_TEXT,
             LuceneProfileQuestion lpf=this.getLuceneProfileQuestion(

                  doc.add(new Field(lpf.getLuceneFieldName(),


when i use luke i can see the term is there.. e.g.  for a lucence field
called "fav_stores" UN_TOKENIZED terms "Ann Taylor" and "Banana Republic"
are there..

If i make a search on full_text.. and type "banana" or "republic" or
"banana republic" i get the doucment as result..  In my java class i am
using phrasequery for full_text and termquery for each individual filed..

e.g. TermQuery subjectQuery=new TermQuery(new

In luke i do not  see any option to select query type but when I make
on "fav_stores" with term "Banana Republic"  there is no result.

On 10/9/06, Doron Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am trying to index a field which has more than one word with space
> .
> > "My Word"
> > i am indexng it UN_TOKENIZED .. but when i use TermQuery to query "My
> Word"
> > its not yielding any result..
> Seems that it should work.
> Few things to check:
> - make sure you are indexing with UN_TOKENIZED.
> - check that either both field and query text are lower-cased or both
> not lower-cased.
> - use Luke to examine the content of the index (when adding as
> un-tokenized);
> print the query (toString);
> - do they match each other? match your expectation?
> >
> > Is term qurey limited to one word? i mean if we index a word with
> and
> > index it UN_TOKENIZED..
> > shouldnt TermQuery yeild result to "My Word".
> >
> >
> > Ismail
> There is no such limitation.
> Hope this helps,
> Doron
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