I have long been meaning to publish an updated codebase for Lucene in Action compatible with Lucene 2.0. I adjusted the code a while ago, but I haven't published it yet (and I think the plan is to wait until LIA2 is finished to do so). I did make notes when I made these changes, and I'm pasting them below for all to benefit from.

Replace all BooleanQuery.add's, e.g.:

   -      subjectQuery.add(tq, false, false);
   +      subjectQuery.add(tq, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

Substitute RangeFilter for DateFilter usage, e.g.:

   -    DateFilter filter = new DateFilter("modified", jan1, dec31);
+ RangeFilter filter = new RangeFilter("modified", jan1, dec31, true, true);

NOTE: The dates are now String's generated by DateUtils.dateToString() and incompatible with DateField

Replace all Field.Keyword/UnStored/Text/UnIndexed with the enumerated types, e.g.:

   -      doc.add(Field.Keyword("animal", animal));
+ doc.add(new Field("animal", animal, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED));

Rename PhrasePrefixQuery -> MultiPhraseQuery

Use instance of QueryParser instead of static parse method, e.g.:

- Query query = QueryParser.parse(expression, "contents", analyzer); + Query query = new QueryParser("contents", analyzer).parse (expression)

QueryParser subclasses adjusted for overridden getXXXQuery method signatures.

IndexReader.delete() updated to be IndexReader.deleteDocument/.deleteDocuments()

IndexWriter internal configuration values now accessed through getters/setters rather than the fields directly, with minMergeDocs renamed as setMaxBufferedDocs().

QueryParser.setLowercaseWildcardTerms() replaced with .setLowercaseExpandedTerms()

QueryParser.getRangeQuery() still uses DateField when constructing a RangeQuery. If your index is built using DateTools, you will need to subclass and override, as shown in QueryParserTest.testRangeQuery().

On Oct 10, 2006, at 2:13 PM, Serhiy Polyakov wrote:


I started to study Lucene following the book Lucene in Action.

I am trying to compile book examples downloaded from the book site:

When I am trying to compile first example (Indexer.java) it gives me
the following error:

LuceneInAction\src\lia\meetlucene\Indexer.java:80: cannot find symbol
symbol  : method Text(java.lang.String,java.io.FileReader)
location: class org.apache.lucene.document.Field
   doc.add(Field.Text("contents", new FileReader(f)));

I know that file lucene-core-2.0.0.jar is in CLASSPATH and other classes like
org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter are working OK. The only class I
am having problem with is org.apache.lucene.document.Field;

Can you suggest something?


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