Hi Leroy,

Would it make sense to index as Lucene documents the unit to be
searched? So if you want paragraphs to be shown in search results, you
could parse the source document during indexing into paragraphs and
index them as separate Lucene documents.


On Wed, 2011-05-25 at 15:46 -0400, Leroy Stone wrote:
> Hello!
>          I am purchased "Lucene in Action", 2nd Ed., and posted the 
> question below at the Manning Forum. Mike MCCandless suggested that I 
> send it to you.
> Thanks in advance for your attention.
> ________ the question I posted ___________
> I would like the search program to return with segments of a document 
> ("paragraphs") that contain my search phrase, rather than simply 
> pointers to the whole document. in searching among applications based 
> upon the Lucene, I have found only one that seems to have this 
> functionality. It is at http://www.crosswire.org/bibledesktop/ . Can 
> someone point me to some other Lucene-based applications where the 
> search engine returns text segments from within documents?
> Thanks in advance.
> ________________________
> N.B. I know Lucene can be modified to do what I wish.  My problem is 
> that my professional obligations do not allow the time for me to 
> build the entire application that I need.  Thus I am searching for 
> one that exists already, that I can adapt quickly, and which has all 
> the code with which I must surround Lucene to make a full-blown 
> application.
> The Bible application I cite requires preprocessing of the documents 
> into SWORD format.  I will try that route if that is all that is 
> available. I thought I would "look around" (with your help) before 
> trying to take on the SWORD-format issue.
> Thanks.
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