Trying to convert some Lucene 3 code to Lucene 4,

I want to use to only return docs that have not been deleted for a particular term. However getLiveDocs() is only available for AtomicReaders, and although I just have a single index it is file based and uses DirectoryReader (which is a subclass of CompositeReader).

So I guess I could use SlowCompositeReaderWrapper but the name deters me from this, but what I dont understand is that isnt almost everyone using indexes based on the filesystem, isnt almost everyone using CompositeReaders ?

Yet the documentation seems to be implying we should be using AtomicReaders but I dont understand how I could possibly do this with a file based index, maybe if the file based index only had a single segment, but aren't segments created by Lucene as it requires them and not usually closely controlled by the end user application.


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