Can anyone guide me on how to achieve the below mentioned objective. I am kind of struck and cannot figure out what is wrong.

Tried  spellChecker.setSpellIndex(directory); also but still no suggestions.

On 7/29/2013 4:36 PM, Ankit Murarka wrote:
Since I am new to this, I can't stop exploring it and trying to use different features.

I am now trying to implement "Did you Mean " search using SpellChecker jar and Lucene jar.

The problem I faced are plenty although I have got it working..

code snippet:

File dir = new File("D:\\Inde\\");
Directory directory =;
SpellChecker spellChecker = new SpellChecker(directory);
String wordForSuggestions = "aski";
Analyzer analyzer=new CustomAnalyzerForCaseSensitive(Version.LUCENE_43); //This analyzer only has commented LowerCaseFilter. IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_43, analyzer);
IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, iwc);
File file1=new File("D:\\Inde\\wordlist.txt");
new PlainTextDictionary(new File("D:\\Inde\\wordlist.txt")), iwc, false);
int suggestionsNumber = 10;
String[] suggestions = spellChecker.
suggestSimilar(wordForSuggestions, suggestionsNumber);
if (suggestions!=null && suggestions.length>0) {

            for (String word : suggestions) {

                System.out.println("Did you mean:" + word + "");


else {

System.out.println("No suggestions found for word:"+wordForSuggestions);


The code works fine. It suggest me 10 possible matches.
Problem is here I am creating/updating indexes everytime.

Say suppose I have 1000 log files and these files are indexed in D:\\LogIndexes. Instead of reading a standard dictionary and building up indexes, I wish to use these indexes to suggest me possible match..

Is it possible to do?. If yes, what can be the approach. Please provide some assistance.

Next question would be to suggest a phrase. If I enter "Head ach heav" , then I should get "Head ache heavy" as one possible suggestion. haven't tried it yet but surely will be an absolute beauty to have it..

Also examples available on net for "Did you mean" are very very old and API have undergone significant changes thus making them not so very useful.


Ankit Murarka

"Peace is found not in what surrounds us, but in what we hold within."

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