Hi all,

We recently upgraded from Lucene 6.6 to 7.1.  We see a significant drop in
indexing performace.

We have a-typical use of Lucene, as we (also) index some database tables
and add all the values as AssociatedFacetFields as well. This allows us to
create pivot tables on search results really fast.

These tables have some overlapping columns, but also disjoint ones.

We anticipated a decrease in index size because of the sparse docvalues. We
see this happening, with decreases to ~50%-80% of the original index size.
But we did not expect an drop in indexing performance (client systems
indexing time increased with +50% to +250%).

(Our indexing-speed used to be mainly bound by the speed the Taxonomy could
deliver new ordinals for new values, currently we are investigating if this
is still the case, will report later when a profiler run has been done)

Does anyone know if this increase in indexing time is to be expected as
result of the sparse docvalues change?

Kind regards,

Rob Audenaerde

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