IMO this is not something you want to do.

The only remedy CheckIndex has for a corrupted segment is to drop it
completely: and if you choose to do that then you lose all the
documents in that segment. So its not very useful to merge it with
other segments into bigger corrupted segments since it will just
spread more corruption.

On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 3:08 AM, Tony Ma <> wrote:
> Hi experts,
> A question to corrupted index. If an index segment is already corrupted, can 
> it be merged with another segment. Or it depends on where it got corrupted, 
> for example corrupted in .pay file?
> From: 马江 <>
> Date: Friday, January 19, 2018 at 9:52 AM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] - Lucene 4.5.1 payload corruption - 
> ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
> Hi experts,
> Still about this issue, is there any known bug which will cause payload file 
> corruption? The stack trace indicates that the fisrt byte of input should be 
> an Integer <= 32, but actually it is 110.
> Our customers seeing this kind of corruption several times, and all of the 
> corruption is from payload. Is there any possibility that the bytes put into 
> payload being incompatible with payload codec?
>   void readBlock(IndexInput in, byte[] encoded, int[] decoded) throws 
> IOException {
>     final int numBits = in.readByte();
>     assert numBits <= 32 : numBits;
>     if (numBits == ALL_VALUES_EQUAL) {
>       final int value = in.readVInt();
>       Arrays.fill(decoded, 0, BLOCK_SIZE, value);
>       return;
>     }
>     final int encodedSize = encodedSizes[numBits];
>     in.readBytes(encoded, 0, encodedSize);
> From: 马江 <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 11:16 AM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] - Lucene 4.5.1 payload corruption - 
> ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
> Hi experts,
> Recently one of our customer continuously seeing 
> ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException which is thrown from Lucene.
> Our production is full-text search engine built on top of Lucene, following 
> is the stack traces. The customer saying that they can reproduce the issue 
> even after re-index everything from scratch.
> Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 110
>                 at 
> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene41.ForUtil.readBlock(
>                 at 
> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene41.Lucene41PostingsReader$EverythingEnum.refillPositions(
>                 at 
> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene41.Lucene41PostingsReader$EverythingEnum.skipPositions(
>                 at 
> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene41.Lucene41PostingsReader$EverythingEnum.nextPosition(
>                 at 
>                 at 
>                 at 
>                 at 
>                 at
>                 at 
>                 at com.xhive.lucene.executor.f.a(xdb:158)
>                 at
>                 at com.xhive.lucene.subpath.e.a(xdb:313)
>                 at com.xhive.lucene.subpath.e.a(xdb:264)
>                 at com.xhive.lucene.subpath.e.a(xdb:183)
>                 at com.xhive.lucene.executor.v.executeExternally(xdb:253)
>                 at com.xhive.kernel.ay.externalIndexExecute(xdb:2791)
>                 at 
> com.xhive.core.index.ExternalIndex.executeExternally(xdb:485)
>                 at com.xhive.core.index.XhiveMultiPathIndex.a(xdb:306)
>                 at com.xhive.xquery.pathexpr.v$
>                 at$a.cp(xdb:104)
>                 at
>                 at<init>(xdb:32)
>                 at com.xhive.xquery.pathexpr.av.a(xdb:424)
>                 at$a.awk(xdb:61)
>                 at
>                 at
>                 at com.xhive.xquery.pathexpr.aj.<init>(xdb:33)
>                 at<init>(xdb:20)
>                 at com.xhive.xquery.pathexpr.av.a(xdb:462)
>                 at com.xhive.xquery.pathexpr.av.a(xdb:413)
>                 at com.xhive.xquery.pathexpr.av.a(xdb:276)
>                 at com.xhive.xquery.pathexpr.av.a(xdb:220)
> ==============================================================
> following is CheckIndex output of corrupted segment. The full output is 
> attached.
> Checking consistency of: [CHECK_INDEXES_CONSISTENCY]
> Library child /dpwprd/dsearch/Data/Collection2 is not in consistent state, 
> errors report:
> ============================================================
> Library child name=/dpwprd/dsearch/Data/Collection2 indexes
> consistency report.
> ============================================================
> check external index consistency [database name: xhivedb;
> index name: dmftdoc; segment id:
> EI-0ab89c0c-2a9d-4fe2-97b9-5f0c96678f13-510173395289107-master;
> xhive index id id: 510173395289107]
> check lucene indices
> fail: lucene index LI-0001cd61-342c-4cfe-9898-c293eb1c8c09
> is not consistent; Segments file=segments_2 numSegments=5
> version=4.5.1 format=
>   1 of 5: name=_0 docCount=8341939
>    codec=Lucene45
>     compound=false
>     numFiles=26
> size (MB)=16,446.152
>     diagnostics =
> {timestamp=1514627603337, mergeFactor=6, os.version=6.1,
> os=Windows Server 2008 R2, lucene.version=4.5.1 1533280 -
> mark - 2013-10-17 21:37:01, source=merge, os.arch=amd64,
> mergeMaxNumSegments=5, java.version=1.7.0_80,
> java.vendor=Oracle Corporation}
>     has deletions
> [delGen=70]
>     test: open reader.........OK [2295 deleted
> docs]
>     test: fields..............OK [268 fields]
> test: field norms.........OK [3 fields]
>     test: terms,
> freq, prox...ERROR:
> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
>     test: stored
> fields.......OK [16679288 total field count; avg 2 fields
> per doc]
>     test: term vectors........OK [0 total vector
> count; avg 0 term/freq vector fields per doc]
>     test:
> docvalues...........OK [0 docvalues fields; 0 BINARY; 0
>     WARNING:
> fixIndex() would remove reference to this segment; full
> exception:
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Term Index test
> failed
>                 at
> org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex.checkIndex(
>                 at
> org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex.checkIndex(
>                 at com.xhive.lucene.executor.j.a(xdb:1190)
>                 at
> com.xhive.lucene.executor.j.aY(xdb:1166)
>                 at
> com.xhive.lucene.executor.v.checkIndexConsistency(xdb:370)
>                 at
> com.xhive.kernel.ay.externalIndexCheckConsistency(xdb:2523)
>                 at
>                 at
>                 at
> ==============================================================
> The corrupted payload stores a serialized hashmap which contains several 
> configurable metadata which is used to sort by condition.
> The field of the corrupted payload is single term field, so the structure of 
> posting looks like a sequence of payload.
> We also put freshness boost value into payload in another field, which have 
> no issues.
> It is the first customer report the corruption after we used Lucene 4.5.1 and 
> released our product for many years.
> Please let me know if you have any idea to this issue.
> Thanks,
> Tony Ma(马江)

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