Hi Lucene community,

Is BinaryPoint limited up to 8 dimensions?


Em 6 de fev de 2018 16:07, "Luís Filipe Nassif" <lfcnas...@gmail.com>

Is it limited up to 8 dimensions as described at

2018-02-06 15:35 GMT-02:00 Luís Filipe Nassif <lfcnas...@gmail.com>:

> Sorry, I was looking at the wrong place. Should I use BinaryPoint (
> https://lucene.apache.org/core/6_0_0/core/org/apache/lucene
> /document/BinaryPoint.html) ?
> 2018-02-06 14:17 GMT-02:00 Luís Filipe Nassif <lfcnas...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> Lucene is able to index generic n-dimensional points for efficient
>> similarity or nearest neightbors search? I have looked at spatial package
>> in the past but seems it is specific to geo points? The use case is to
>> index image feature vectors to search for similar images in a corpus.
>> Currently we are using lucene to text search and we would like to not
>> have to manage two different index structures, synchronize commits, so on.
>> Thank you,
>> Luis Nassif

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