
We have a scenario for faceting where we need to apply different set of
permission fields for different type of data. As we have a limit of lucene
query booleanclause, we cannot use query. Please see the below sample query
for our use case.


      search query : testquery AND
            filters :  (  (type: JiraIssue AND (owned_by :id1 OR Groupid
:123 OR Groupid :842 OR Groupid :2112 OR Groupid :21341 OR   Groupid :12)
AND ( Isopen : true , published : true) ) OR
                            (type: FaceBookPost AND (posted_by :user1 AND (
shared_to :123 OR shared_to :842 OR shared_to :2112 OR shared_to :21341 OR
  shared_to :12)) AND ( isPosted : true ) ) OR
                            (type: twitterfeed AND (  tweeted_by :123 OR
(tweeted_by :842 AND tweeted_by :2112) OR tweeted_by :21341 OR   tweeted_by
:12) )

expected output :

Type: ( Here count should be based on applied specific filters of each type

      JiraIssue         500
      FaceBookPost  234
      twitterfeed          32

NOTE: Lucene version we use : 4.10.4

Rajesh A

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