Hello Claude,

here is what I'm doing and it seems to work, I haven't yet created
failure tests. Maybe more expert member will have more information.

Date field inserted:
final Date parse = DATE_FORMAT.parse(DATE_FORMAT.format(o1));
new LongPoint(attributeName, parse.getTime()));

The sorter:
Sort sort = new Sort(SortField.FIELD_SCORE, new SortField(LAST_UPDATE,

The query:
TopDocs docs = searcher.search(q, maxCount, sort); 

The records are inserted with 1 sec delay (for tests purposes only)


-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Lepere <claudelep...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Custom scores and sort
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 10:56:18 +0100

Hi! I have a question with sorting, I don’t understand why in a test a
hitwith a lower score is ranked before hits with higher scores.
I am using Lucene 5.2.1.

Two CustomScoreQuery subqueries on two fields, subquery 1 and subquery
2,and two test cases:
case 1: the two calculated custom scores are multiplied by the same
factordepending on the date of the match at the end of the customScore
method ofCustomScoreProvider
case 2: the two calculated custom scores are *not* multiplied by the

All tests with the same Sort, by score then by date.

Case 1: with date factor:

Test 1: subquery 1 only:
two hits, doc A (date A) gets the score A1, doc B (date B) gets the
scoreB1: score A1 > score B1, date A < date B, and doc A is ranked
before doc B
doc A score A1 shardIndex=0 fields=[score A1, date A]
doc B score B1 shardIndex=0 fields=[score B1, date B]

That's correct.

Test 2: MUST query subquery 1, subquery 2:
the two same docs match: doc A (date A) gets the score A2, doc B (date
B)gets the score B2: score A2 *<* score B2, date A < date B, and *doc
A isranked before doc B*
doc A score A2 shardIndex=0 fields=[score A1, date A]
doc B score B2 shardIndex=0 fields=[score B1, date B]

*doc A is ranked before doc B although score A2 < score B2 and
sortingshould use scores A2 and B2, not A1 and B1.*

Case 2: without date factor:

Test 1: subquery 1 only:
doc A (date A) gets the score A1, doc B (date B) gets the score B1:
scoreA1 > score B1, date A < date B, and doc A is ranked before doc B
doc A score A1 shardIndex=0 fields=[score A1, date A]
doc B score B1 shardIndex=0 fields=[score B1, date B]

Test 2: MUST query subquery 1, subquery 2:
the two same docs match: doc A (date A) gets the score A2, doc B (date
B)gets the score B2: score A2 *>* score B2, date A < date B, and doc A
isranked before doc B
doc A score A2 shardIndex=0 fields=[score A1, date A]
doc B score B2 shardIndex=0 fields=[score B1, date B]

Using score A1 here works: without the date factor, all the hits of
test 2match subquery 2 in the same way and they get the same sub-
score: theexplanation shows in this case that the score = field[0]
score + the commonsub-score of the hits, therefore the sorting is the
same by current scoreas by field[0] score.

But, with the date factor, this is no longer true, the sort [Score,
date]should use the current scores of test 2 and not those of test 1.

Please, could someone enlighten me? Do I make a mistake somewhere?

Claude Lepère

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