On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 8:24 PM Tim Whittington
<t...@whittington.nz.invalid> wrote:
> I'm working with/on a database system that uses Lucene for full text
> indexes (currently using 7.3.0).
> We're encountering occasional problems that occur after unclean shutdowns
> of the database , resulting in
> "org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException: file mismatch" errors when
> the IndexWriter is constructed.
> In all of the cases this has occurred, CheckIndex finds no issues with the
> Lucene index.
> The database has write-ahead-log and recovery facilities, so making the
> Lucene indexes durable wrt database operations is doable, but in this case
> the IndexWriter itself is failing to initialise, so it looks like there
> needs to be a lower-level validation/recovery operation before reconciling
> transactions can take place.
> Can anyone provide any advice about how the database can detect and recover
> from this situation?

File mismatch means files are getting mixed up. It is the equivalent
of swapping say, /etc/hosts and /etc/passwd on your computer.

In your case you have a .si file (lets say it is named _79.si) that
really belongs to another segment (e.g. _42).

This isn't a lucene issue, this is something else you must be using
that is "transporting files around", and it is mixing the files up.

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