
You do not neessarily need a commit. If you use SearcherManager in combination with NRTCachingDirectory you can also refresh you searcher every few seconds, so in-memory cached segments are searched. But in short: If you do not explicitly ask for a fresh searcher, there won't be any automatic refreshes and the caches stays as is.

It is also important for older Lucene versions that still support FieldCache: Make sure your queries work "per segment" and not globally. Because wrongly written applications would have a cache entry per index and not per segment, so on every refresh the whole cache has to be rebuilt. This is also one reason why DocValues are preferred for sorting.




Am 08.06.2022 um 19:05 schrieb Poorna Murali:
Thanks Uwe! New searcher opens when we do a commit.Apart from this, are
there other scenarios where a searcher would be refreshed?

On 2022/06/08 16:43:07 Uwe Schindler wrote:

They get evicted when the segment of that index is closed. After that
theres no reference to them anymore through a
WeakHashMap<LeaveReader,Cache> and thecache object gets freed by GC.
This happens on refresh of searcher where unused segments are closed and
new ones are openend. There is no way to get rid of entries on a live

FieldCache is no longer available since Lucene 6, so which version are
you using? Since Lucene 4 it is better to use DocValues fields for
sorting or facetting/aggregations.

If you are using Solr, theres still a clone of FieldCache as part of
Solr's codebase (and is not supported by Lucene anymore), but thats only
for legacy indexes where the schema was not updated to use DocValues. In
an "ideally configured Solr server", the Admin UI shows no entries below
Core's FieldCache stats. If you see entries there go and replace those
field's config by adding docvalues=true.


Am 08.06.2022 um 15:26 schrieb Poorna Murali:

I would like to know if there is any automatic eviction policy for the
field cache entries. I understand that it gets invalidated when a new
searcher opens. But, my question is in case if gc runs or if there is
other scenario which could evict the unused entries from fieldcache.

Please help to clarify the same.


Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen
eMail: u...@thetaphi.de

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Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen
eMail: u...@thetaphi.de

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