I have a lot of questions.  For example, the javadocs for the "KeywordField" 
class says: "... doc values for sorting and faceting"

Yet, I don't see a way with 9.8.x Lucene to perform faceting on fields that 
haven't been specifically indexed for faceting.  I clearly need a lesson or two 
on faceting in Lucene.  I don't understand what a "path" is for example.  Of 
course I have tried to work with the examples, but unless I completely rework 
my indexes, I'm stuck.  I thought you could use DocValues somehow to facilitate 
faceting queries.  Anyway, I suppose I'll need to use the source code as my 
guide and spend a lot of time working with it.  I was hoping to find some 
really good documentation to help me cut to the chase.  I appreciate you 
offering to help answer any questions, seems like I could use an interactive 
session 😊



-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Vodita <stefan.vod...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 19:14
To: t...@xfire.io.invalid
Cc: java-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Faceting Queries NON-Taxonomy-based

Hi Tony,

Have you looked at the faceting demo package [1]?

The faceting documentation that lives there [2] was updated last year (thanks
@epotyom!) and there haven't been major API changes since.

The `SimpleSortedSetFacetsExample` [3] might be a good starting point for what 
you're trying to do.

If you've already checked these resources, is there a specific question they 
didn't help answer?



On Tue, 14 Nov 2023 at 18:51, Tony Schwartz <t...@xfire.io.invalid> wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there a definitive (or at least very good) documentation or video 
> on Lucene faceting?  I find the existing docs and samples out-dated 
> and inaccurate.  As such, I'm having trouble getting my mind around 
> how it works to ensure I index my documents in such a way as to allow 
> faceting.  I'm trying to avoid the "taxonomy-based" approach.
> Tony

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