Hi Trevor
Well, you may negate it via
  qb.add(product_c_positive, Occur.MUST_NOT);
it will work only if there is a sibling MUST/SHOULD clause.
Occur.MUST_NOT).build(), Occur.FILTER);
It may hardly work unless Lucene  "adjusts pure negative query" somewhere
that some search servers do or did under certain conditions.

On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 7:46 AM Trevor Nicholls <tre...@castingthevoid.com>

> Hi
> I'm constructing a BooleanQuery with an optional filter query and a
> mandatory content query, plus some optional boost queries.
> In effect, what I am doing is implementing this shorthand:
> BooleanQuery.Builder qb = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
> if (filter) {
>   qb.add(filterquery, Occur.FILTER);
> }
> qb.add(contentquery, Occur.MUST);
> if (boost)
>   qb.add(boostquery, Occur.SHOULD);
>   ..
> }
> Query fullquery = qb.build();
> Typically the content query will be constructed from something like
> "title:word OR text:word" and the filter query, if it exists, will be built
> from something like "product:a". (The boost queries serve to push recent
> content higher in the results, they don't really matter for this
> question.)
> There will always be a content query. My question relates to the filter
> query. I know that a query which has no 'positive' clauses will not return
> any results. That although the two queries
>   product:a or product:b or product:d
> and
>   NOT product:c
> might be logically identical, the first will return results and the second
> will not.
> However would a query like "NOT product:c" be OK as a filter query if it
> was
> combined with other queries as per the pseudocode above?
> I don't think it's significant but for what it's worth this application is
> still using Lucene 8_6.3.
> cheers
> T

Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev

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