posting the answer on this to the list for the record :

It turned out that Justin was using TextLayout extensively
and when he tried JDK 1.5 the spool file size came down to a
very acceptable 450K

This is because of the 1.5 fix to:
> Bug ID: 4480930
> Synopsis: Java 2D printing : TextLayout prints as filled shapes.


Phil Race wrote:
hmm .. that sounds excessive.
Particularly the 3X expansion for the 4200.
I also doubt (from your description of what you are printing)
that is anything under our control.
Unless we draw the whole page as a big raster the device resolution
shouldn't make any difference to us.
As Karen suggested its possible its something about the way you have
configured the printer driver.
Perhaps its set to always download the font rather than using
printer fonts?

The gif shouldn't do this from the size you quote and filled
rectangles shouldn't do it either.

A good experiment would be to eliminate each of these in turn to
see if it makes a massive difference.

But there are some things that can trigger text to be less efficient ..
are you using drawString or TextLayout.draw(..)?
If using the latter I'd urge you to try JDK 1.5 as that should help
a lot.

BTW I *HOPE* you are using either that or 1.4.2 already ..


Justin W wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I've created what I thought was going to be a relatively easy application
to send 5 page print jobs to printers throughout our company. I am
extremely large spool files and it is causing serious performance
problems. Using a Windows 2000 server, printers are HP LaserJet 4100 and
4200 using PCL 6 drivers. Spool sizes on the 4100 are ~4MB and on the
they are in excess of 12MB.

The pages contain mostly text, a small (3k) gif on one page, and some
various rectangles drawn on 3 of the 5 pages. Fonts are all Arial with
sizes from 7-12. It is a black and white document containing no alpha
I know of. I've tried writing the job to an offscreen image as specified

but the quality was very bad and the spool size was larger.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


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