
I've managed to get FSEM work on my Fedora Core 4 properly: true FSEM, no 
tearing artifacts with correct synchronization to monitor refresh rate. The 
behavior on Linux is consistent with the behavior on Windows XP and Mac OS X.

For programming I followed this tutorial:  

But the same programs fail to work consistently on FC5, using new xorg.X11 
version 7.0, on very similar hardware.

Here is my working setup: Fedora Core 4 with xorg.X11 version 6.8; nVidia 
geforce 6800 running with the latest proprietary linux driver from nVidia; Java 
1.6.0 beta release. (use nvidia-settings application to  make sure that under 
OpenGL Settings, Sync to VBlank and Allow FLipping options are enabled). Also 
use the openGL pipeline: java -Dsun.java2d.opengl=True ....
[Message sent by forum member 'boyaci' (boyaci)]


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