I have a need to get image data from native code to a Java Image, e.g. a 
BufferedImage, in the most efficient manner possible.

Ideally I would like to write to the BufferedImage's raster directly in my 
native code, or get an image from a DirectByteBuffer of RGB pixel data.  If I 
can reuse the same Image object multiple times to avoid excessive garbage 
creation that would be best.

I'm looking for options and pointers on how I should implement such a thing 
while avoiding as much as possible any data copying.  It is likely that my data 
will need to be converted from YUV color space to RGB color space and I would 
like for that to be the only time the data is copied.  So I would convert 
directly into the BufferedImage with my native color conversion (and in some 
cases scaler) loop which is already optimized with SIMD assembler.

Thanks in advance.
[Message sent by forum member 'swpalmer' (swpalmer)]


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