There won't be a Graphics hint to affect bidi behaviour since
that is completely un-related to the graphics.
A text layout only needs a graphics instance so it knows
where to send the already laid out text.

Perhaps what you want it to explicitly specify
java.awt.font.TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR as the value
for the attribute java.awt.font.TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION
to your text layout constructor.
This will over-ride the standard bidi behaviour.
(see java.text.Bidi)


Brien Colwell wrote:
hi All,

I'm experiencing something interesting with TextLayout. If I render a
that has runs    LRL,   where L is left-to-right and R is
right-to-left,   everything looks good. However, if I render a string
that has runs    RL,  the R run is rendered at the end of the line.

I have a pretty tricked out Swing text view that breaks up lines in
strange ways. I'd like to disable reordering altogether. Is there a
graphics hint to do this? I'm also wondering if I'm totally off in
thinking the TextLine is doing any reordering ... ?

Displaying right-to-left text is not important to me. Since I'm not
playing right with Swing's bidi root stuff, I need to be able to hack
the text layout into shape.


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