I'm getting this bazarre error message when I exit my applet.
It doesn't show until *AFTER* the applet has had it's destroy() method called.

I do not issue this error message in my code and don't know where to look in the Java source to figure out what to do about it.

It's harmless but annoying and I think that some method somewhere
is hanging and not finalizing after the read.  I read two jpg files --
create the images using the Toolkit and watching them with MediaTracker.

I remove the Image ID's from the MediaTracker and then grab the pixels
with a PixelGrabber.  Then I flush() the images and null all the instances
and call System.runFinalization() and then System.gc()

The applet runs fine and then when I exit, I get two weird error messages.

Premature end of JPEG file
Premature end of JPEG file

I don't know where to look to figure this out.

Anybody have any ideas?

Environment: Java Win2K SP4; Eclipse 3.2

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