I need to draw just a small rectangular portion of a BufferedImage.

What is the absolute best, fastest way to do that?

Is their a tutorial that will show how to do that.

Note that this is a different task than before.  There
will be no projection done on that rectangular part of the BI.
It will be just a straight draw to the screen.

For example:  Let's say I have a 1000 x 1000 pixel image
and I just want to draw the portion starting at
x = 200, y = 200, width = 100, height = 100

Is using public abstract boolean drawImage(Image img,
                                  int dx1,
                                  int dy1,
                                  int dx2,
                                  int dy2,
                                  int sx1,
                                  int sy1,
                                  int sx2,
                                  int sy2,
                                  Color bgcolor,
                                  ImageObserver observer)

the best way or is there another best way in
the "...new imaging API..."

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