From: "Schäfer, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 11:44 AM

> Hi,
> I have an application where the user is dragging objects around the scene.
> When there is no user interaction I lower the frame rate to about 1 frame
> per second
> to save CPU power (calling View.setMinimumFrameCycleTime().
> As soon as the user clicks the mouse I increase the frame rate. But the
> frame is still
> rendered after one second, so there is a noticeable delay.
> Is there a way to force rendering of the next frame immediately ?


My preference is to control frame rate from within the Behaviors.  No real
hard reason.  Just distrust of View.  As long as your 'long' frame delays
are on the order of a second (i.e. delay >> 15ms) and you can tolerate the
grainy resolution, then using wakeupOnElapsedTime(delay) should be ok for
your normal 'standby' display.  In your AWT code, you make the model changes
and set wakeupOnElapsedFrames(0) and reset to wakeupOnElapsedTime(delay)
after your changes have run their course.

I haven't built anything that runs this way, so it's more hunch and
prejudice than anything.  It's where I'd start though.


Fred Klingener
Brock Engineering

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