Gerard Peregrin wrote:
> In a message dated 2/22/02 10:38:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> <<        Proto's cannot emulate sensors currently >>
> Does this make a reference to external sensor data.  If so, what does the
> data represent?

Sensors of all kinds. X3D Sensors are not the same as Java3D sensors, so
hopefully we are not getting you confused there. In X3D/VRML a sensor is
a way of converting mouse input into a scenegraph modification tool. For
example, a TouchSensor sends out notices of when a mouse is clicked on
an object. A CylinderDragSensor would convert a mouse drag event into a
set of coordinates that travel around in a circular shape (think of a
stereo volume knob where you drag the mouse sideways, but the knob
turns). These X3D sensors are what we can't handle in the protos
currently (Although I have a gut feel that touchsensors do work, none of
the others do, and we haven't actually tested a TS that way).

Justin Couch               
Java Architect & Bit Twiddler    
Author, Java 3D FAQ Maintainer        
"Humanism is dead. Animals think, feel; so do machines now.
Neither man nor woman is the measure of all things. Every organism
processes data according to its domain, its environment; you, with
all your brains, would be useless in a mouse's universe..."
                                               - Greg Bear, Slant

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