Mike Pilone wrote:


I am using J3DGraphics2D to draw over my canvas. It is implemented such that
I draw into a buffered image, then draw this buffered image on the canvas
using J3DGraphics2D.drawAndFlushImage(...).

I found that if I draw directly using the graphics from
Canvas3D.getGraphics2D(), the 2D drawing looks correct and scales
appropriately as the canvas resizes. However, if I draw into an image, then
draw that image onto the canvas, it appears to be stretched by about 1.5 as
the width of the canvas grows or shrinks.

I have attached a slightly modified version of a J3DGraphics2D sample
application that was posted to this list a while back. In the postRender
section there are two commented sections: the one that works and the one
with the scale problem. Uncomment one of them and compare the problem.

I might also add that the scale problem only occurs when Java3D is trying to
share the buffer (the image is type 4BYTE_ABGR). Using TYPE_INT_ABGR scales
correctly, but that is most likely because Java3D is copying the image. This
is on Win2K, OpenGL, NVidia. I can get exact driver information if required.
There was a previous mention of this problem by another developer, but no
4&I=-3&X=5A1EBB1D99C73E85F9&[EMAIL PROTECTED] That developer was using ATI
and saw the problem.


I noticed this two. Java3D seems to automatically scale your image to
match the new screen size.  I believe this annoying behaviour is related
to the viewport being given both a physical size and a pixel size when
you first create your view.

The way I got around this was to catch the screen resize event and
create a new Canvas3D whenever the user resized the canvas.  I prefer
having my 2D images render with a 1:1 pixel aspect.

Mark McKay

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