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Why use two separate TransformGroups?  I move my avatars with a single

All you need are the basic geometry formulas for working with angles and
distances (triangles) and you can calculate the correct new position
based on your angle and speed. (Grab any high school geometry book if
you aren't familar with them off the top of your head)

- John Wright
Starfire Research

Jaakko Holopainen wrote:
Hi, hello everyone this is my intro to the list as well.

Im doing a space shuttle simulation and need some help with one thing,

I have a set up a shulttle in a structure like this:

    -> TransformGroup2
            -> Shuttle

The idea is that the movement of the shuttle is performed in the
and the rotation of the shuttle in TransformGroup2.

I also have a few Vectrors to hold the data i need.

Vector3f speedVector (basically just the z set to some value).
Vector3f thrustVector (the z value increasing while a buton is pressed and
0.0f if not).

I then have a main loop calling enach 1/100 of a second an update shuttle
method, which does the following:

1. get the current transformation from TransformGroup1.
2. get the current rotation from TransformGroup2.

3. apply the thrust to the speed.
4. apply the speed to the TransformGroup1.

This far i have made it and the shuttle can now be sent in one (hard coded)
direction and rotated (with MouseRotate).

What i would like to know is how could i make the thrust applied in
combination with the rotation in
TransformGroup2 so that the direction of movement could be changed.

Can someone describe what are the 16 float's that can be get from a
Transform3D object.

Jaakko Holopainen

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