
Thank you for your question.  It may be that there is a bug, or at least, a lack of tests, in this area.

In general, you need to give text for the link, since (unlike for program elements) javadoc cannot infer the string for itself. Iit doesn't go looking for headings and ids.

You might try  `@see Chronus##time-heading my-text` or failing that `<a href="Chronus.html##time-heading">my-text</a>

For our part, we should make sure that we have tests for this situation and/or clarify the spec if that is needed.

-- Jon

On 2/15/24 9:22 AM, Nir Lisker wrote:

I have a question after reading If I have a class with a heading in its class javadoc:


then an anchor Chronus.html#time-heading is auto-generated. How do I link to this anchor from within the class using @see and @link? I have tried
@see ##time-heading
@see Chronus.html##time-heading
@see Chronus##Chronus.html#time-heading

None of which work. What is the correct syntax?


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