On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 7:11 PM, kirk <kirk.pepperd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">
> Marcelo Fukushima wrote:
>> i should probably write in a better way (i guess i cant write in
>> english as well as i can read)
>> what i meant was that os thread could potentially behave like how java
>> threads behave: there are not guarantees that any given thread will be
>> given its timeslice in the CPU. In that regard, the jvm spec is not
>> 'broken', like it was implied, but rather mimic what native threads do
>> (or potentially do)
> the jvm spec *cannot* say anything about native threads because that
> behavior is outside of the box.

of course not, but that was not what i was saying at all...
what i was trying to say was that jvm spec might just mimic what OS's
do - and they are not broken in that aspect.

>> and regarding biased locking, my guess was that some threads were
>> starving because of lock biasing: the thread that previously had the
>> lock always gets the lock before the other threads (in that small
>> example, inside the doSomething method). But that is just a guess, not
>> having even ran the code.
> biased locking doesn't work that way. a lock will be biased to a thread
> until another thread requests it. Then the biases are revoked and
> threads are on their own competing for the lock.
> IMHO, guessing at a performance bug is never a good idea. I'd suggest
> you grab a copy of yourkit (or another like profiler) and run the app
> under some expected load. A good thread profiler will let you know if
> there is a problem.

youre totally right here, although strictly speaking it was not about
performance, but rather about how threads behave and/or are allowed to
behave according to the spec
but i was completely wrong about lock biasing

> Regards,
> Kirk
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 6:27 PM, kirk <kirk.pepperd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Marcelo Fukushima wrote:
>>>> well one could argue that, though im not sure if native threads have
>>>> such guarantee - in which case, java may only be delegating to native
>>>> that said, you can try disabling biased locking (starting from java 6
>>>> i think) and see if it makes any difference
>>> I maybe jumping in the middle here as I've not been closely following
>>> this thread.
>>> 1) Native threads are under the control of the OS. This lies outside of
>>> what Java has any control over.
>>> 2) I'm not sure what biased locking has to do with thread scheduling. A
>>> thread maybe biased to a lock/monitor. Biasing happens as a result of
>>> HotSpot recognizing that only one thread is acquiring a monitor and then
>>> biases the lease to that monitor to that thread. If another thread
>>> requests that monitor, the bias is revoked. Once revoked it can never be
>>> rebiased under the current implementation.
>>> Regards,
>>> Kirk
>>>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Brent Ryan <brent.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Then maybe the spec is where the flaw is...
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Nov 3, 2009, at 10:45 AM, Marcelo Fukushima <takesh...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> i guess what reinier was trying to say was that your code (as far as
>>>>>> vm spec goes) was broken from the start and (again, from the vm spec
>>>>>> perspective) lucky timing and scheduling just made it work correctly
>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Brent <brent.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I just don't think that it's a good idea to say...Let's break
>>>>>>> something so that we can optimize the JVM for most cases without
>>>>>>> providing an option that allows the JVM to execute threads one way
>>>>>>> vs.
>>>>>>> another.  This used to work in JDK 1.4.
>>>>>>> Does anyone know how .NET solves this problem with the CLR?
>>>>>>> On Nov 3, 1:52 am, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Why does java not guarantee gc()? Why does java not do a lot of
>>>>>>>> things?
>>>>>>>> Because it would severely cramp the optimizer.
>>>>>>>> Adding your proposed rule across the board would probably put a
>>>>>>>> serious dent in the optimization work the hotspot compiler can do to
>>>>>>>> your code. Same reason why finalizers aren't guaranteed. Same
>>>>>>>> reason gc
>>>>>>>> () isn't. There's a perfectly workable way out of this - use the
>>>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>> code construct. Such as fair locks.
>>>>>>>> What interests me in particular is that you've evidently got
>>>>>>>> significantly more work for your CPU than your CPU has cycles to do
>>>>>>>> that work in, or you shouldn't be running into big issues.
>>>>>>>> Presumably,
>>>>>>>> then, some threads are tilting at windmills, calculating endlessly.
>>>>>>>> This is par for the course if your app has a definitive start and
>>>>>>>> end,
>>>>>>>> such as, say, an unzip application, but most complex apps end up
>>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>>> a server that handles requests - which leads me to wonder: Perhaps
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> should be adding some sort of queueing system to your app, or more
>>>>>>>> on-
>>>>>>>> demand processing.
>>>>>>>> On Nov 2, 5:29 pm, Stuart McCulloch <mccu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> 2009/11/3 Stuart McCulloch <mccu...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> 2009/11/2 Brent <brent.r...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> But why does the JVM have to know my intent...  It knows that I
>>>>>>>>>>> started a thread and it knows that it has some priority.  So
>>>>>>>>>>> why can't
>>>>>>>>>>> it just stick all of the threads that were started for a
>>>>>>>>>>> particular
>>>>>>>>>>> priority on a queue and then iterate through that queue.  It
>>>>>>>>>>> might be
>>>>>>>>>>> easier said then done, but that's what I don't understand.
>>>>>>>>>>> Example:
>>>>>>>>>>> If you have 3 threads with same priority...
>>>>>>>>>>> Thread 1 (default priority 5)
>>>>>>>>>>> Thread 2 (default priority 5)
>>>>>>>>>>> Thread 3 (default priority 5)
>>>>>>>>>>> Let's pretend that each thread executes 2 loops.
>>>>>>>>>>> Execute Thread 1
>>>>>>>>>>> Execute Thread 2
>>>>>>>>>>> Execute Thread 3
>>>>>>>>>>> Execute Thread 1
>>>>>>>>>>> Execute Thread 2
>>>>>>>>>>> Execute Thread 3
>>>>>>>>>>> If the threads have different priorities then this wouldn't
>>>>>>>>>>> work, but
>>>>>>>>>>> assuming that they have the same priority why doesn't the JVM do
>>>>>>>>>>> this?  Can you dumb it down for me more?
>>>>>>>>>> does this comparison help?
>>>>>>>>>>    updates to fields in Java are not specified to be atomic
>>>>>>>>>>      => use synchronization to guarantee atomic updates
>>>>>>>>>>    scheduling order of threads on Java locks is not defined
>>>>>>>>>>      => use "fair" locking to guarantee scheduling fairness
>>>>>>>>>> ie. you should not rely on behavior that is not specified.
>>>>>>>>>> I don't say this is easy - avoiding this is a hard problem,
>>>>>>>>>> especially when there's few alternative implementations
>>>>>>>>>> that you can run tests on
>>>>>>>>>> I've seen a lot of customer code that relied on unspec'd
>>>>>>>>>> behavior all over the JDK - including one who was using
>>>>>>>>>> mutable keys in a hash map (which is not good at all!)
>>>>>>>>>> and expected it to work a very specific way :(
>>>>>>>>>> We experienced this issue running Weblogic 9.2 container and the
>>>>>>>>>>> thread scheduling isn't even available to us since it's a EE
>>>>>>>>>>> container
>>>>>>>>>>> and you're not suppose to manage threads.  Ultimately, what
>>>>>>>>>>> you're
>>>>>>>>>>> telling me is that weblogic has a bug and that they should have
>>>>>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.
>>>>>>>>>> I haven't seen your app code, so I can't really comment.
>>>>>>>>>> If you're pushing the container provided threads through
>>>>>>>>>> basic (non-fair) locks then you might need to switch to
>>>>>>>>>> use fair locking - if the container is the only one doing
>>>>>>>>>> the locking then they probably have a bug.
>>>>>>>>> also I should say that scheduling is a hard problem,
>>>>>>>>> and policies that guarantee no starvation often have
>>>>>>>>> downsides in other areas (eg. response/throughput)
>>>>>>>>>    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheduling_%28computing%29#Overview
>>>>>>>>> otherwise why would the HotSpot 1.5 JVM suddenly
>>>>>>>>> change their lock ordering - it must have had benefits
>>>>>>>>> elsewhere, I doubt they did it just to annoy people!
>>>>>>>>>>  On Nov 2, 9:53 am, Phil <p...@haigh-family.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think you're missing the point. The JVM can't know your
>>>>>>>>>>>> intent when
>>>>>>>>>>>> you started your threads and cannot know that the right thing
>>>>>>>>>>>> to do is
>>>>>>>>>>>> to 'level' resource usage across your threads. If you need your
>>>>>>>>>>>> threads to receive a more equal share of resources then this
>>>>>>>>>>>> needs to
>>>>>>>>>>>> be expressed in your design. Hence the suggestion to use fair
>>>>>>>>>>>> locks to
>>>>>>>>>>>> more precisely influence the scheduler.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Even the thread priority is not a hard and fast guarantee,
>>>>>>>>>>>> just an
>>>>>>>>>>>> indication (or to quote a pirate: the code is more what you'd
>>>>>>>>>>>> call
>>>>>>>>>>>> "guidelines" than actual rules). If you read a good Java
>>>>>>>>>>>> certification
>>>>>>>>>>>> textbook it will tell you threads must have priorities, and
>>>>>>>>>>>> that the
>>>>>>>>>>>> priority can be between 1 and 10, but it does not dictate what
>>>>>>>>>>>> the JVM
>>>>>>>>>>>> should do about these different priorities. In general,
>>>>>>>>>>>> scheduling
>>>>>>>>>>>> algorithms are left to the implementor, about the only thing
>>>>>>>>>>>> you can
>>>>>>>>>>>> be certain of is that 1 is viewed as the lowest priority, 10
>>>>>>>>>>>> as the
>>>>>>>>>>>> highest and 5 as the default. Beyond that, all bets are off.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Phil.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 2, 2:32 pm, Brent <brent.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> How does that look ok to you?  Threads 0 and 1 only executed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 23 times
>>>>>>>>>>>>> while the other threads executed 45/46 times.  How can that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ever be a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> good thing?
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers, Stuart
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Cheers, Stuart
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> http://mapsdev.blogspot.com/
>>>>>> Marcelo Takeshi Fukushima
> </div>
> >

Marcelo Takeshi Fukushima

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