Hello there!

The story: 
I've successfully tested a small program on a linux virtual machine to write 
out all detected (non-hub) devices to the console in eclipse. Works.

Afterwards I've tried to use the same code in a project which is creating an 
eclipse wizard to read the connected devices into a list. Throws exception 
(event loop exception as usual in a wizard when there's any exception at all, 
pretty useless) when being started from Eclipse by "Run As => Eclipse 
Application". When trying to debug, it seems that right the first command 
related to javax-usb fails, which is 
"UsbServices services = UsbHostManager.getUsbServices();" 
in this case.
As far as I read, Eclipse needs to be run with root-rights to make javax-usb 
work correctly. Would the Debug/RunAs commands not inherit that? / Should 
RunAs/Debug work that way? Or could there be another cause why an exception is 
raised using the same code on the same machine?
kind regards


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