Here are the instructions I've saved for quite a number of years and now of 
course since it has been brought to my attention I will post them up on the 
site.  I admit at first thinking that it was sort of silly but then realized 
they are very good for certain applications, directions follow.
David Ferrin
Compatibility:      JFW3.3X or higher.

It is as simple as adding a line in the AutoStartEvent, and the 
AutoFinishEvent functions.  If you recall, when these functions are present
within a script file, they get called when the associated application gets
started, and when it is exited, respectively.  If they aren't in the script
file, it is very easy to add them yourself.
With that in mind, we'll gear these instructions as if you found no
AutoStartEvent or AutoFinishEvent functions in your script file; if they are
there, then you can just focus on the instructions for adding the two
"SetSynth()" statements.
To get the correct synthesizer KeyName, take a look at your JFW.INI file
with NotePad, or some other editor.  That file is found in the folder JFW is
installed in.

1)  While in the application you want to associate the synthesizer switch
with, hit Insert+0 to launch the Script Manager with that application's
script file loaded for editing.
 if there is no script file for this program, the Script Manager will create
a blank one.
2)  To see if you already have an AutoStartEvent function, hit Control+L to
bring up the list of scripts/functions in the current script file.  It is
sorted by name, so the "A" should be the first scripts you come to in this
list.  If you have an AutoStartEvent, highlight it and whack Enter.  This
will place you on that script's header line.  Hit End and then Enter to
place yourself on a blank line underneath that header line.
3)  If you don't have an AutoStartEvent, hit Escape and we'll create one.
a)  Hit F2 to get to the first script in this file, (if there are any).
b)  If you land on that script, hit the UpArrow once to get on the line
above that script.  If there are no scripts, then you can just start with
the next step.
c)  Type in, or cut and paste, the following lines:  (Note: if you already
had an AutoStartEvent, then just add the following SetSynth line below.)

function AutoStartEvent()
SetSynth("lt")  ;Sets DoubleTalk-LT/LiteTalk as synthesizer.

This tells JFW that whenever this program is launched, the user wants their
DoubleTalk-LT, or their LiteTalk, to be used as their synthesizer.
***Important:  if you don't have the external synthesizer turned on at this
point, you'll probably hang the system, requiring a reboot.  This is because
you'll be trying to access a serial device that, (as far as the system is
concerned), isn't there.  This is not a bug in either the synthesizer or
screen reader, but rather a User Error--and those are the easiest  errors to
4)  Hit Control+S to compile what we have so far.  If successful, go to the
next step.
5)  Hit Control+L again to locate the AutoFinishEvent.  If you have one,
highlight it and hit Enter, then arrow down to a line underneath the
variable declarations and hit End, then Enter to create a blank line.
6)  If you don't have one, hit Escape to exit the script list and hit
Control+End to reach the bottom of the file.  Hit Enter a couple of times to
give yourself some room.
7)  Type in, or cut and paste, the following:

function AutoFinishEvent()
SetSynth("dtsoft") ;Sets synthesizer back to Access32

8)  Compile with Control+S.

Hit Alt+F4 to exit the Script editor and see what response you get when
loading and unloading this application!
Now here's an example of what I used in the past to switch quickly from 
Eloquence and my DEC talk express
void function AutoStartEvent()

void function AutoFinishEvent()

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 9:52 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Re: Changing Sythesisers

Hi David,

I'm using eloquence and realspeak  synthesisers.

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