Okay folks,
David has already asked this once.
Let's give this thread a more meaningful subject line, or kill the thread.
Richard Justice-list moderator
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Justice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <jaws-users-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 6:32 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Re: question

☺Not a specific Jaws command that I'm aware of Barbara.  But there is an 
excellent find feature which is a part of Windows XP.  It's very capable, 
perhaps a bit too capable so read each step carefully.


STEP 1.  Go to your Start Up option by pressing Windows key and the letter 

Press F for Find.

As you tab through the steps within this function, your computer should 
default to "Files or Folders"  as the first choice.

If you remember all or part of the document name, type it in the Edit field 

You may have to use Jaws Cursor for this but make sure that the right drive 
is selected.  I have several but most people have the A drive which is the 
floppy disk and the C drive which is your primary drive.  Make sure that the 
correct disk is highlighted.

After typing the file or document name and stepping through to verify the 
drive, read each option carefully.  There is, for example, a check box which 
will search through hidden or subfolders as well as the main ones.  Another 
option will allow you to type in part of the text.  Try the file name first.

STEP 7:      There is a button marked "Find Now"  and that's the one you 
choose.  If you have a large drive, this may take a few minutes depending on 
how fast your CPU  is and how large your drive capacity is.

The files which are located, will be listed and to access each one, simply 
press Enter on it.  A separate window will open.  Occasionally, Windows 
might not recognize the type of software which created the file to begin 
with.  WARNING!   Not all word processor files are accessible with Windows. 
Most are but there are some exceptions like older Word Perfect files.

If your first attempt is not successful, go back and use some of the more 
advanced search capabilities.  The best way to learn how to use this tool is 
to play with it.  You can't hurt anything at all.  This function is 
completely non-invasive.  It simply searches the entire drive for something 
that resembles what you are looking for.

STEP 10:
There are many ways to capture the file once you've found it.  The best way 
is to just copy the highlighted file name, then paste it into a folder where 
you know you'll find it.  The alternative would be to open the file, then do 
a Highlight All (Control A) command and copy the entire contents onto your 
clip board.  Then, you can open a new file in whatever word processor you 
choose and paste the contents into that file.  Once you have done that, save 
your work using whatever file type you prefer.

I hope this helps you Barbara.  The most wonderful thing about the Find is 
its flexibility.  There are so many options you can choose.

Good luck.

John Justice
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Barbara Bransky
  To: jaws-users-list@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 1:40 PM
  Subject: [JAWS-Users] question

  Hi all, if someone can help would be appreciated. I copied something from 
a website and put into a document in ms word and sent it to (My Documents). 
Well it disappeared. Can't find it so is there a command for jaws to find a 
document? thanks Barbara

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