Jaws 18 works fine with Thunderbird but if you have only the early versions of jaws to make it read your messages in the in box or other boxes you have to switch the list view to a tree view to do this go into the view menu and arrow down to sort by and press enter then arrow down to threaded and press enter and then jaws will begin to read your messages in the in box and I must add that you have to do this for all the boxes for example the sent items and so on

[JAWS-Users] making jaws work with thunder bird
My friend uses Jaws but for whatever reason her instructor wants her to learn Thunderbird.  The instructor isn't real familiar with Windows and said it looked like Jaws can't work with this email program.  He said another screenreader would work better but, like me, she wants to use Jaws for everything.
 Are there scripts needed to make it work better?



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